Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Crash and Listen

My Laptop crashed . New hard drive soon come .

Meanwhile , here's a quote to keep you busy :
"If you're looking for a sign, just do it"

I found that written on the stall in the bathroom I was using . I found it surprising that such an inspiring quote came from immature scribble on the inside of a stall. I also found this one as a response to someone writing "YOU'RE IN COLLEGE NOW. GROW UP"

"Do we ever really grow up ? Why must we lose our inner childhood selves as we age?"

That question sparked something in me 'cause I'm always down for revisiting my childhood by watching old cartoons or playing in parks on the rickety swings. What I don't understand is why does that have to go away. Yea, I know, we have to mature at some point because we can't survive in society without maturity, but must we sacrifice our inner child --a state where simple things make you happy and you could retreat into mindset where there is nothing to worry about --for our maturity to exist. Why can't they simple coexist. I much rather have that. I think a lot of people would be happier that way.

Also, did you know, the first documented advanced civilzation was formed out of peace and trade, and not warfare. This city is called Caral and is found in the deserts of Peru. Not only did it provide an alternate theory as to why people then "crossed the great divide" from simple village to big cities, it provided an alternate theory to human nature itself. Maybe Hobbes was wrong. Our state of nature is not "solitary, poor, nasty, brutish and short." I know for a fact Hobbes is wrong. The civilization of Caral proves to me that it is not in our nature to go to war and fight one another. That we are, in fact, peaceful creatures and lived as such for over a millenium.

Great things can come from peace.

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