Thursday, December 24, 2009

Its been a while since I've made a post , life's been too busy .
But lately, I've hung out with some really dope people and had the time of my life . I enjoyed every minute of it and it feels great to be back home . At times .

Now for some ear candy . I heard this song at a performance I went to and enjoyed every second of it.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Beautiful Colors

Chalk Outlines:

I do not believe in God. I haven't since I was 14 years old. Instead of a God, I put faith in people. Instead of commandments, I follow my heart. I do believe in nature and thus, reincarnation. Everything in nature happens in a cycle and I believe the same is true for the spirit. Although I do not believe in God, I respect those who do so I’ll bow my head in a prayer or say grace over food. I find religion beautiful so I’ll where a cross on my neck or a Hamsa hand on my wrist. I don't not believe in heaven or hell because the life one lives is a slight representation of both. I do not persecute those who do believe in God, so I do not expect persecution either.

I don't see a reason to.

We're all staring at the same sky, some just see constellations while others see randomly placed stars.

If people open their minds before they open their mouths, the world would know great things.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Turbulent Landing

People wish they could step out of the bounds of space and time; wish they could defy physics; wish they could spit in anatomy's face; they wish they could ignore all of the laws nature has already written. We wish we could go back in time or disappear from where ever we are; we wish we could move mountains and swim oceans; we wish we could fly at the moments are feet are rooted firmly into the ground.

All we could do is wish, and not believe.
I know I could never go back in time, move mountains or grow wings, but I know that one day, I will let time go back in me, I won't move mountains, but I will break down walls. One day I will fly and soar.

That's something I believe in.

Sometimes, that's all you really have to do. Believe.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009


Wonderland, NY


I found out about them through a sticker

I found out about them through a transient

I told a transient that he was, and he considered it "foul." To which I responded, "That's life"

C'est La Vie

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

An Immature Idiot

I am an idiot. And I am immature.

I am also proud of it.

Thank you.

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

I Have a Convenient Friend.

This friend once told me that s/he were scared that the people s/he holds close to her/him as friends will some day walk out of her/his life. It isn't until right now, me sitting here, after finding something that made my heart absolutely drop to my stomach, that they don't walk out of their life. She/He pushes them away. Perhaps she/he doesn't realize it, but they do. So now, the convenient friend of mine is no longer seen as a friend. This beautiful stranger once asked me, "Why would you care about someone that doesn't care anything about you?" I told this stranger that it's because it's who am I and it's in my nature.

What I really wanted to tell her/him at that time was "Because You need me to."

And now I'm done wasting my time. So now that I have all this extra time on my hands, I'll use it towards something productive like making dope quotes. Like these:

And to believe, you once gave me hope in humanity, but instead, humanity has given me hope in you.

I knew a kid once, he lived through 19 years worth of sunrises and sunsets. He once told me, "If people open their minds before they open their mouths, this world would know many great things."

I met a man once, he was ragged with age and time. He told me, "My life is not measured in years, months, weeks, days, hours, minutes or seconds; but in how many lives I changed, how many hearts I've touched and how many minds I've opened."

I am cracked and jagged
Like the sidewalk you walk upon
But I am still completely functional
And more interesting than the newly laid cement.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Everythng Was Beautiful and Nothing Hurt

This man means so much to me. I wish I could have met him, laughed with him, spoke with him and even cried with him, if he did cry that is. His book changed my life and if I could, I would just shake his hand and let that be all.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Music inspires me. It's everywhere I am and everywhere I want to be. Meet Aesop Rock. He is one of the most inspiring musical artist to me.

This video is a tad bit eye-candy-er :

His lyrics are hard to decipher for some, but the beauty in it is that he writes these songs for himself but leaves the meaning up to the listening. It's completely subjective and it makes it beautiful.

In other news, I am officially in the Bone Marrow Registry. It made me wonder why people are so hesitiant to do things like that. They attach the stigma of a needle going into their hip while they are wide awake. Not the case. Only half of that happens 20% of the time. If people took the time out of their all too busy day, they could get educated on things like this and discover that it's not nearly as bad as they think.

...Bonus round
This is the hot tin roof stepper
Hold it down with centipede foundation
Mr. Greed who burns rugged obstruction in bunches
like little Jackie paper puffs the magic dragon and dutches
We don't need another hero hommie gallop off on your my little one trick pony
Holly Hobbie Polly Pocket pretty future destiny
If the slipper fits fire up Cinderella propeller and curtsy for the munchkins right before
Aesop Rock smashed the pumpkin
Yeah, yeah, iron on gusto rustolium bloodstream what's better?
When the wrist slit it leaks out only the bloodiest bubble letters
Complete with outlines, fill-ins, dates, shading and shout out columns
for vagrant colonies to follow in redeeming bottles
You're a little tea pot trying to eavesdrop on the mammoth route
peekin' out from around the rose bush like (Uh-huh)
"Here is my handle (Ohh), here is my spout" (Ahh)
Godzilla junkie used to be in love, now out for gigapussy
Sorry to offend but sometimes life bends in the middle (Sorry!)
So now you have a fulcrum where there used to be a pillar (Right)
and now I got a pulse that bumps less than a cocaine binger
and now I got no nine to five and still labor days flicker
(This kid is ill)and now I got a nine millimeter Q-tip with an itchy trigger finger
See, I really don't feel your persona distortion
ordered by martyrs who martyr self for martyr's sake
Wow fame, if notoriety grew adjacent a jealous dick-riding sentiments
I'd give you a pound like, "Greetings Mr. President"
Now, go do your homework
-Aesop Rock

Wednesday, November 11, 2009


On Monday, I found my self conflicted , confused and unsettled with my position . So I cried . I turned to my best friend and he was too busy writing a paper when I needed him so I called another friend that I didn't think to call in the first place . I told her my deal and she replied with this :

"You can't be in a tunnel and see the light at the end of it and decided to walk towards it; then halfway there, you just sit in the dark. Thats what you're doing right now; sitting in the dark crying"

As shaky of a metaphor as it may seem , it really helped me out and it really cured me of my complacency. So now that everything is in perspective, life is beautiful. And she's a beautiful person for sharing that with me.

And food for thought:
Isn't it interesting that guys aren't really interested in what's underneath your crown but they definitely want to get in between it ?

Monday, November 9, 2009

This is exactly what I look like when I'm having fun . And you know what , I love it .
Plus, I'm doing a jig !

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Ever Cried ? Ever Been Angry ? Ever Been Human ?

I have a Nikon SLR camera . I have exactly one roll of film . I have the creativity to use it . But not the drive .

I will one day be reinvented. Reformed. Today is not my day because I'm so comfortable. I feel as I shouldn't be . I shouldnt be comfortable with being average, especially when I know I could go beyond it. But I will be reinvented. Maybe next Monday, next month or next year. Its going to happen because I'll make it happen.

I have endless amount of paper, and endless amount of ink. I have to thoughts to marry them. But not the organization to plan the wedding. Isn't that some shit?

I have friends in love with thoughts. And thoughts in love with friends. I don't get why.

I'm sitting in this computer cluster next to someone racking their brain over organic chemistry and across from someone filling out math problems online. Ever wonder what someone elses life is like ? Ever wanted to hear their story ? I have.

And someday, I will .

You decide .

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Crash and Listen

My Laptop crashed . New hard drive soon come .

Meanwhile , here's a quote to keep you busy :
"If you're looking for a sign, just do it"

I found that written on the stall in the bathroom I was using . I found it surprising that such an inspiring quote came from immature scribble on the inside of a stall. I also found this one as a response to someone writing "YOU'RE IN COLLEGE NOW. GROW UP"

"Do we ever really grow up ? Why must we lose our inner childhood selves as we age?"

That question sparked something in me 'cause I'm always down for revisiting my childhood by watching old cartoons or playing in parks on the rickety swings. What I don't understand is why does that have to go away. Yea, I know, we have to mature at some point because we can't survive in society without maturity, but must we sacrifice our inner child --a state where simple things make you happy and you could retreat into mindset where there is nothing to worry about --for our maturity to exist. Why can't they simple coexist. I much rather have that. I think a lot of people would be happier that way.

Also, did you know, the first documented advanced civilzation was formed out of peace and trade, and not warfare. This city is called Caral and is found in the deserts of Peru. Not only did it provide an alternate theory as to why people then "crossed the great divide" from simple village to big cities, it provided an alternate theory to human nature itself. Maybe Hobbes was wrong. Our state of nature is not "solitary, poor, nasty, brutish and short." I know for a fact Hobbes is wrong. The civilization of Caral proves to me that it is not in our nature to go to war and fight one another. That we are, in fact, peaceful creatures and lived as such for over a millenium.

Great things can come from peace.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Home Bound

I'm going home. To Brooklyn.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Reconnections with Past Transients

Thats something I used to do .

Okay, so, I'm really foreign to the concept of a blog because I never even had a diary in the first place . But here we go .

Recently I reconnected with someone whose time in my life was really short and inconsistent but it felt good to do so. In my opinion, life is partly a culmination of our decisions and our experiences. That includes those apart of the experiences. Who I am ,in a sense, is who everyone was that shared a piece of themselves with me. If that makes sense.

Now, for some recent news:

You are no longer a friend . You are a stranger . You are no longer the foundation . You are the ruins . You are no longer a diary . You are lost pages . You are no longer an inspiration . You are a bad influence. You are no longer important. You are persona non grata . You are no longer apart of me . You are essentially a nobody .

Inner soul for the masses .

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Poetry for the Masses

I was struck by the antiquated legacy of a hallucinogen fancy
Senses sucked into delusions so my mind could base jump to conclusions
Forget it, I rather sit sober through this barren b*tch because I refuse to fall more hallucinogenic ricks
My four chambers grow restless plucking the strings of the one-trick-pony one-trick guitar
Chords played in L-O-V-E minor radiate short sound waves that don't get too far
I need mine to stretch the miles I wore my soles out for just so I could sell my soul out for more
Corners of auction blocks and open food markets
Aimlessly inhale and exhale lost spirits
They mutually agree to let the light shine on only those who don't fear it
Trampled walls by remorseless feet
And I am officially walked on
Tirelessly trying to form my own "Once upon..."
A time where shattered morals and regretful lovers leave what ever they may have felt under covers
In between sheets and in between weeks where I thought I knew you
Well, thoughts born from unstable chemical bonds
Referring to the chemistry that we built our foundation upon
It started from that contact "Hi, how are you?" you waved across the space we always had shared
Followed by moments of ignorant ignorance because we had to pretend we didn't care
Rams of ideas butting over territories quickly annulled by "But baby, I'm sorry"
Dilated pupils formed the aforementioned delusions
And I bungee jumped off of rickety-rackety conclusions
Human Heart Error, broken bungee strands
Displaced the blame like water
Should've never used your worn down rubber bands
Weekly gatherings commencing with
"Hi, my name is Janine and I'm addicted to him"
Simulated images he cultivated with stimulants and barbiturates
No mixtures of earthly chemicals or earthly plants
But mixtures of words, actions and untimely rants ending with that untimely "I can't"
Shakes and trembles conformed into longing for another like you
Pining for anothers left me without righteous lovers
Angels who carried their halos in their pockets
Begged for the key to my heart and soul but I never let them near enough to unlock it
Needless to say, my "Once upon..."
Was never again thought upon
Thoughts of happily ever after were now happily ever over
Assemblies of forlorn brethren have abandoned me because I abandoned my disease
Can't remember how long our self-proclaimed eternity lasted
Don't know if you got over the proverbial hump like I did
No delusion, no hallucinogen, no mind tricks derived from love mimics
My heart strings reverberated in tune
And released a melody that finally sings:
"I am over you"

Monday, October 5, 2009

People will always hand you a box.
You decide whether or not you will live in it or crease the corners that create it.
I've always chosen to personally bust my limbs out of the sides, get up and live life